Month: June 2010

  • Periodic Restart

    Sometimes you just need a restart.

    I haven't blogged in a while to recover some anonymity. And given how everyone's migrated off of Xanga, I think this might be the time to do it. There are a few reasons I want to come back to blogging...

    1. Get back my communication skills. Between Tweets and Facebook updates, my ability to form grammatically complex yet concise sentences have gone down the tubes. Having two children, 17 and 2 months young, changes the concept of thinking on your feet. I'm also very worried about my writing. I used to love to write. Now I think my writing just sucks.

    2. Progress Meter- of sorts. Every few months, I'd take an audit of where I am in life and grade myself. Having the ability to scroll back and see where I was compared to where I want to be helps me figure out what I need to focus on. I don't remember the last time I made that assessment. I'm due for one, but the context has totally changed. Again, children change everything.

    3. Just to be a bit more prolific. Maybe, one day, my children will read this. Hopefully they're in their mid 20's and have the proper perspective.

    This blog has changed, and so have I. I guess there's always more growing up to do.